

Day Dream
Ask me again about that day dream town.
Saran wrapped reality takes on fancy fantasy cravings.

Convince permits impassive nature, time going by, yet nothing ever quite existing.

Spanish moss sings sweetly to those who listen.
Lullabies passed down, repeating atop salt washed breezes.

Yet ghosts of one's past dance comfortably against a modern day resemblances.
Passing glass tipped shadow's acrossed morning dew remnants.

Possibilities are endless when horizons are stretched thinly down black topped dependencies against uncertainty.

Tell me again about that saran wrapped town.
Where sunsets are restless against misshaped stopgaps.

Uncertainty is to be expected yet never effective to expel such misconceived notions.
In which this day dream town can never be anything but a mirrored reality achieved in white-washed delusions.

© SaraM