

God's Letter !
Dear beautiful soul !

I love you !
You are my child !
So, why are you giving up !
you are powerful, strong and divine!
you have that unconditional and unlimited giving nature!
Baby, you are God's creature !

I love you !
Yes !
without any expectations and conditions!
without any conflictions and limitations!
I love you !

Though some people hurt you
and can't understand you!
but it's completely okay !
I'm with you !
Baby, you are my sweetheart!
why do you hurt your beautiful heart!
I love you !

Life is giving you pain !
but worst time is going to end !
why are you feeling low,
I'm here to removing your sorrow!

I love you!
Don't worry my sweet soul!
I'm going to give you a surprise soon!
Believe me, I'll give you Everything!

Now wipe your tears and
Smile again !
I'm yours and you are my gem !
I love You and will love you !

You are mine
so, everything will be fine !

© dikshya