

.............. .......... .........

Conflicting emotions rends a man
Temper discharged from a flare gun
A renaissance man turned connoisseur
Tasting the different harsh conditions
Rather than wine
A pirate,
Searching for a gem
In an arid land
Sailing through rubbles
Searching for a star in the galaxy

Cliche reasons
Living my parent's life
Programmed to do my Master's bidding
And to dance to the piper's tune
The sheep has to listen to the shepherd
Unwritten yet existing rules are choking me
Opinions shoved down my throat
And I gulp it all down
Because I'm supposed to.....

Now I'm gone.....
With the wind
Along with my cloak of gloom
They lost me in a bid to hold me
They lost me to the new Piper next door
Who dictates the tune with his magical fluid
