

She's beautiful, she's fine but I wonder what kind of baggage come with the package
Ummm did the last one treat her right or fuck her over and left the goods damaged and I'm not talking about what's in her panties.
I'm talking about attitudes and mood swings and will she compare me to the one that might have left her drained will she think the sex is different or the same.
Was there physical or verbal abuse or maybe the two . did they just go their separate ways to find something new.
will she be able to take off the emotional backpack that she carries on her back that she packs around everywhere she goes when she steps into a new home will she be able to let it go or will she allow it to invaders her soul and carry it along down life's long rugged road?
These are things that I need to know before I pursue her ,
no one likes to step into manure.
© Vaga Pesoj