

Past Deeds, Tonight's Bad Dreams

Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...
But you know all too well what awaits you in there,
Amongst the memories that are your burden to bear.

That is the moment when it all seems less than real,
And your quickened heartbeat betrays how you feel,
Your memories flood in and consume your thoughts,
You know that you're now no longer calling the shots.

Truth is your liberator fighting to free your soul,
But your truth is what refuses to let you go,
If only you could seek out God's personal reprieve
Then maybe you could finally sleep in peace.

Instead of prayers of forgiveness being fervently spilt,
You lie wide awake riddled with so much guilt,
Will you ever forgive yourself for the things you've done,
Or will you lie wide eyed, awake and awaiting the sun?

© Sheryl Clark-Alegre