

The first kiss💖
In the hush of twilight’s tender glow,
Where hearts, like whispers, dare to flow,
We stood, with breaths both swift and slow,
On the edge of what we’d come to know.

Your eyes, like oceans, deep and blue,
Reflected skies of a love so true.
And in that moment, time withdrew,
Leaving just me and the dawn’s soft hue.

Nervous hands, a gentle trace,
Found the map of our silent embrace.
The world, it seemed, held its breath’s grace,
As our lips met, in that sacred space.

A spark, a flame, a kiss so sweet,
A promise whispered, a heart’s heartbeat.
In that moment, our souls did meet,
Binding us in a bond discreet.

The first kiss, a dance of stars above,
A tender touch, the birth of love.
In your eyes, I found my place,
A story written in a tender grace.
© spark.