

Ramblings of the Old
My poem is simple
It highlights my pain
because within months
I was diagnosed with cancer
And my mother died in pain

My tears are all dried up
Because war is said to make you insane
But it only makes you want to take your life
Because you feel lame

I don't ever want to wake up
My dreams leave me the same
always wondering how to get rid of all this pain
While still staying sane

In the end I always wake up
With the mindset to bake up
In order to fake up
The day that comes my way

I close my eyes
And hope to God
He can give me a good day
For PTSD does not make you insane
It makes you realize you are the only one who is sane

I'd rather take this dirt nap
Then live this one more day
Because lonely has never fit me
But lonely is what I stay

I pray for you strugglers
And alive I hope for you everyday
But this journey has worn me with all this pain
And the only thing I can say
I hope you never stay in this same lane
Because it cripples you
An you are too young for this cane