

The Missing Link
In school they taught us the tiniest of details,
From the atoms that make up all we adore,
And the stars that twinkle in the night sky,
To the very core of the Earth we explore.

We learned of molecules and chemical reactions,
And the laws that govern nature's every move,
Of complex maths and intricate equations,
And the theories that scientists try to prove.

But in all these years, through lectures and classes,
No one spoke of living, of what it truly means,
Of the joys and sorrows that make up our journey,
Of the emotions that burst forth in silent screams.

Is life not the very essence of existence,
The reason we wake each day to the sun's rise?
Should we not learn of its essence and purpose,
If we are to truly live before our demise?

The textbooks may teach us about creation,
But they fall silent when it comes to the soul,
As though life is a mere spark, a fleeting moment,
But it's a journey that takes us beyond our control.

There are lessons we must learn outside the classroom,
Of love and loss, of hope and despair,
Of growth and change, of challenges and triumphs,
And the complex beauty we all share.

For life is not just a series of equations,
It's a symphony that sings in every part,
From the laughter that fills our hearts with joy,
To the tears that cleanse our aching heart.

It's the moments we spend with those we love,
And the connections that tie us all together,
The bonds we create that last a lifetime,
Through the ups and downs of stormy weather.

So why do we forget this fundamental lesson,
In the rush to learn and excel in all we do?
Why do we downplay the importance of living,
When it's what we were born to experience anew?

Perhaps it's time to shift our focus,
To re-examine what we value and why,
To embrace the lessons that come with living,
Before we say our final goodbye.

Let's not forget the magic of existence,
And the joy that it brings each day,
For it's a gift we've been given so freely,
And it's up to us to make the most of our way.

Let's learn of living, of all its intricacies,
And embrace every moment that we're alive,
For it's only when we truly grasp its essence,
That we can truly thrive and truly thrive.
© Jevanjee