

"Melting Pot"
Would you like to be my man?,
Even know I'm in a wheelchair I'll still mop and sweep into a dust pan,
Will you be my batman?
All it takes is one little scan,
And you have like this natural tan,
Thank goodness you have a car instead of a van.

I want to be intwined,
With you, and I can't believe how much different my life would be if I was blind,
And I love the feeling when we grind,
But what will he do if only one position with me he'll ever find?,
Did I disappoint him? Cause I'm not that kind,
Cause all the time we spent combined,
It was very decent and aligned,
And it's written in bold and underlined,
I hated that the time had to be resigned,

But next time I'm hoping I can stay a couple days instead of one,
I should of asked you when you were talking to me about searching for a woman and took that for a wild spin,
All seriousness not intended to be a pun,
And just know I'm not allowed to own a gun,

Don't ask why til the time is right on the clock,
To whom to believed it true I would never mock,
Do you consider yourself a nerd, geek, or jock?,
If you were totally naked and changing in your room, would I have to knock,
To enter, or would you lock,
It?, If I made you cum/ejaculate in less than a min would you be in shock?
Are you under pressure or panic when you hit a roadblock?

I remember when I had a Tamagotchi but never before have I had a stopwatch,
All I can think about it burying my face in your crotch,
And pouring you some scotch,
Over the rocks, and sweeten you up like butterscotch.

The potatos, before rinsing,
I would say your cock was very pleasurable and convincing.

I want more,
But before we swim ashore,
There's something I want to get off the floor(metaphor),
Does it bother you that I snore?
You seemed to sleep through it so I'm guessing it didn't really bother you, and I hope you don't think I'm a slut bag whore,

For being so easy,
And to honest your kisses were a wee bit cheesy,
But I'm dying inside to get more from you #lilbreezy,
Ati, I'll admit in the beginning I felt a bit out of it and a bit queazy.

But I warmed up to you sooner or later,
How do you feel about your own equator?,
Are you a good listener and debater?
Do you believe in the fact that life had a creator?,
As a kid, To my siblings I used to be an instigator,
This time I'm not going to be as easy as a calculator.

Ima give it some time and passion,
And compassion,
Of course, I'm glad you still got it up even know I have weak fashion,
And within ration.

I guess you go by the person's personality and not what they wear,
Each time I stay with you I'm going to end the night in prayer,
Yes, I might compare,
You to a black bear,
Very tall, hefty and has a lisps, and breathing in light air.
And you held me through out the night not a single nightmare.
With you I'd go anywhere,
And if you were a billionaire,

I'd want your heart not your money at all,
Some women might say you're small,
But i think it's BIG and TALL,
In the long haul,
I would be your baby doll,
Can I get your attention with a birdcall?
There's something I want you to install,

"Writco" if you're interested in poetry,
Its like instapoetry,
Very solely.

I do what I do non or very nervously.

I tape,
A picture of the perfect shape,
Of your body wearing a cape,
Fancier than a green grape,
With my ex best friend almost every time was a date rape.

Even know you can't rape the willing,
But I asked him to stop, he kept goin', information I'm spilling,
It was technically unwilling,
Memories don't need refilling,
My mind is tilling,
Good thing I don't have a yearling,
That would just be headache drilling.

My sauce, is hot!
I used to smoke pot,
Now something has taken over and been out bought,
All these thoughts I jot,
I want to see a single file line of fox-trot,
I fell down on the wrong side of the parking lot,
Only to get to the "Melting Pot".

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