

It Sucks
It sucks, to see and hear how they throw dust into our eyes and promise us what we want to hear with no aim of honoring them.
Wolves in suits and ties leading lambs who are blinded by their disguise and lies.
The ananses of our time who plays with our minds.
However they are still perceived to be wise.
We bow and tremble at the sound of their names while they show us their feet and whisper aside how primitive we are.
They care about their ego and reputation but not our land.
They were once like us when we called them that as united we will heal our land, Instead they steal from us and divide our ideologies putting our sense of unity in jeopardy.
They are what we dream of curing our land from.
Yet we still remain blind and deaf to realize who they really are.
It sucks, to imagine how our future will become....
© kobby