

Pointing Fingers
Sad I am, I feel like weeping
When I hear the politicians
Point fingers at others, not realising
That four point back to themselves.

Any time someone asks a question
About why they are 'doing wrong'...
They only have an answer which is
'It's what the others have done'

Does this help the country or its people
If you only say... "Well, you did this first"
How different are you from them
Those you blame today, who you don't trust?

We were taught that as humans we should
Strive to improve things over the past
But if you only look to do worse than them
Are you humans or a species lost?

Prove your worth, Work as you promised
While privately partying, don't squabble in public
We are patient till that last straw lands on our backs
After which we'll show you the end of the stick!

#Politics #people #promise

© Guy3