

No one's like You
No one's patient like you.
Though i walked the wrong path
Felt what's wrong was right
But You
Saw all my craziness
But yet You still waited
Until i came to my senses

No one's loving like you.
Despite how filthy i am
You still hug me
Held me
Wrapped your Holy Hands around this filthy me
You didn't consider my wrongs
But thought about your lovely plans for me
When i was talking about my dirt
When i was looking at my past
While i was looking at me!
You were looking at my future
You were looking your plans, Will and purpose for me
You were looking at the Great things you've set out for me
Come on, Lord, You were looking at the Righteous me!
Whom you've cleaned
Help me Lord
Help me see the way You see
I've been seeing wrongly
I've been thinking wrongly
Guide me to see rightly

No one's caring like you.
All you want for me is the Best
And you're always with me to give all i need
Thank you so much Jesus Christ😊😊😊

© Daydawn