

School’s Out Scream And Shout
It’s the start of the summer holidays,
It’s so exciting to not have homework,
Watching so many series and movies,
So much to choose from.

The first week goes by fast,
There’s less programmes to watch,
Still lots of things to watch though,
Lots more stuff to laugh about.

One more week until your holiday,
That weeks goes by really really slow,
The excitement on the last night before that holiday keeping you up all night,
Your sleep schedule is absolutely ruined.

The flight is longer than you thought,
It feels like a lifetime until you finally make it there,
The air feels so relaxing and refreshing,
You do miss home a lot though.

Sadly soon it’s over and you fly back home,
The flight even longer than before,
Once you make it back you’re happy to be home,
You miss your holiday though and school starts soon.
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