

You are what You Need
We often look for role models for ourselves .
A double Vision as though we are in the mirror.
Something To Relate to . Something to grasp onto.
An Idea of Faith of Things can change .
A Seed of Hope that things can get better .
Maybe Put it in the hands of the creator .
Most times our role models fails us.
We didnt see them.
We Never Really Knew Them .
Our Greatest Role Model is our being.
Something you can edit for the rest of your life.
Entirely Your Choice What You Choose to Bring life into.
Different choices ..Different Character
Different Matter of Self Worth and Purpose .
We can install Those Qualities Like a blueprint on ourselves.
Not Without Some Work and sacrifices from ourself. Work Takes Strength .
Strength Requires Sacrifice
Sacrifice Requires Consistency.
Consistency Is Growth .
Life is a ladder Either you go Up or down.

© JhannieJhannie