

In the garden of love, two hearts entwined,
Promises woven, an eternal bind.
Yet storm clouds gathered, tears in the rain,
A sequel of sorrow, a heart's silent pain.

Their story unfolds, like petals unfurl,
A dance in the moonlight, a love in a whirl.
But shadows encroach, whispers of doubt,
A tale of devotion, tossed all about.

Through thunderous nights and lightning strikes,
They clung to their promise, like stars in the heights.
A sequel unwritten, in the chapters of fate,
Love's fragile balance, tangled by weight.

The moon weeps softly, as the stars gently weep,
In the tapestry of love, secrets they keep.
Yet each droplet of rain, a testament true,
That love perseveres, in the gray and the blue.

The echoes of laughter, now silent and still,
In the quiet of longing, where time stands still.
A sequel uncertain, as the seasons change,
Love's melody altered, a symphony estranged.

Through tempests and trials, their bond under strain,
Two lovers, once vibrant, now marred by the pain.
A sequel unwritten, lost in the mist,
Love's bitter lament, in the shadows persist.

But in the garden, where their story began,
Hope sprouts anew, like the first light of dawn.
A sequel untold, in the whispers of weather,
Love reborn, entwined hearts together.

Through the ebb and the flow, their saga unwinds,
A sequel of resilience, love that defines.
In the rain-scented verses, a promise to recover,
Two lovers, steadfast, in each other discover.

© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku