

Breath Of Life
In a world of ceaseless sound and strife,
Where moments blend and blur,
There lies a single, sacred pause —
A breath, the pulse of life.
Beyond the crash of daily waves,
In stillness, whispers wait.
A silent hymn, a gentle sigh,
Where chaos yields to grace.
Inhale the promise of the dawn,
Exhale the night’s regret.
In this, a space where shadows flee,
A fleeting, fragile breath.
Within this pause, the world retreats,
And time, at last, stands still.
A breath that holds the universe,
A pause between the will.
Here lies the heartbeat of the earth,
The calm within the storm.
Inhale — the world dissolves to dust,
Exhale — and we are born.
A single breath, a tender touch,
A life within a sigh,
A bridge between the now and then,
A breath that lifts us high.
Inhale, exhale, the balance shifts,
And all is made anew.
For in the breath of life we find
The infinite, the true.
© poembyselly