

Losing My Peers
Dear Friend, how could you do this to yourself?
Chose to write your final chapter, and put the book up on the shelf.
Didn’t anyone tell you, that shit was selfish?
Always the one saying it was life we need to relish.

Things are all good though, I still go to see your momma.
She’s doing just fine, but she still holds onto a lot of the trauma.
Ever since you left she’s been praying for better karma.
She wants you to know that she cut out all that toxic drama.

I feel like I’m a wiseman, with all I’ve seen in 25 years.
Still doesn’t change the fact, I can’t get over all my dying peers.

Dear friend, you don’t have to do all those poisons anymore.
You’re in a better place, can’t help but think on those signs I ignored.

I’m sorry you thought this was the only way to go out.
Wish I could take back the time, so I could push you down a better route.

Pray on your name, kneeled down in front of the cross.
Couldn’t help but kill yourself, just to get the point across.

I miss you friend, and everything you stood for.
Keep my head up, just because I know God needed you more.
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