

Abused King
I asked to be treated as a queen
And he became my king
He laid out his soul for me and I walked on it like carpet
He became my inspiration
And I was his favourite creation
Yet I took him for granted and left his love unwanted
He gave me patience and honesty
I in turned gave him arrogance and egotism
He gave me commitment and stability
Pleausured me above and beyond
Most of all he gave me love..
Still yet I refuse to give him all of me...
All I gave him was confusion
Happy this minute sad the next..
He complained of my temper
And I didn't care a bit
I thought he wouldn't leave
I thought I had him hooked
Didn't know this day would come
When he would stop being blinded by love and see cleary that I don't deserve him..
I asked God for someone as beautiful and perfect as you contrary enough when he answered my prayer I couldn't handle you...
Now there is lonliness and no one to ignite fire within me
I mistook your simplicity for weakness
I played with your emotions like the rest played with me..
You sacrifice so much and I gave back nothing
The tables are turned now and guess who is heartbroken?

please like this poem on YouTube
© Nattania Higgins