

I cannot get distracted!
Despite your accomplishments you believe your life is going nowhere, and future achievements are in jeopardy on the road to somewhere. Write a poem on it.

I always thought I had it all together.
Schooling, graduating, working was all that really mattered
Now I'm 28, still living at home with mom
Working an average job and feeling like a bum..
And even though I thought I was building myself up along the way,
I watched everything around me fall...
I watched my path take a massive U-turn.
Stuck in a dilemma, I don't know where to go...
Should I start at the beginning or just jump right in?
Jump right into what though? I don't see a future... I don't see myself glow...
A degree in business management should be enough
But I learnt as I got older that life is tough
I thought I was on a road to somewhere but it seems I was fooling myself,
wasted a lot of my youth, trying to find myself.
If I don't regain focus now, I might end up doing nothing with my life
And that's not the type of life I want; I want to do it right!
On the road to somewhere
I have to keep going,
If I want to make a future for myself
I cannot get distracted!
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