


I took the last bus, Last night, Just to see you.
Hoping it’s not the last memory I have of you.
I used to hate everyone else and loved just one; Me.
Then you came into my life like a dance of waltz to a tune of love,
A selfless, petite Lass yet magnanimous.
With you, long Days became short and Nights became brighter.
In time past, I was only physical with them but with you, I could tell a difference;
the fragrance of your hair, the perfume scent on your nape, the tenderness of your lips; inviting but not seductive, the delicacy of your hands, graceful steps and poise you take.
I love to love you, I love that I love someone else in spite of me,
We, only just acquaintances, became friends,
You, just a shy, timid Lass with beautiful eyes captured my heart.

You came into my life and it changed.
Meeting you was the moment that changed my existence.
It was not instant, but the change was very persistent.
Soon I became a new creature changed by the power of love.
Why I do the things I do now is a mystery I cannot solve.
I stand at your feet, living to die for you.
You are my purpose and your smile is my salary,
Your deeds disarm me and your kind heart was your calvery.
Today I looked into your eyes and saw my tomorrow,
A future with you is the only future i saw without sorrow.
I love you my darling, I love you, I love you, I love you,
You are my world and my life, my only topic and my news.
May this love which has started never ever end,
Take my hand dear, together we can become loves legend.

© paladin pyro © black coffee