

we are one.
Meet me in the middle,
With an open mind,
Set aside differences,
We're the same kind...

let our mind intertwine
while we sipping on international wine
hearing all those odds thoughts of yours
and trying to understand them as ours,
perspective differ yet we are one
siblings of nature while we embrace in diversity
going through levels of life learning in our community.

meet me half way across the middle
while shining your candle
leading the way not because you know it all
but because sharing is the Mantra we all recall
we are the same yet pursue different path
wired to wanting to know it all yet only part of it can stick determined by the depth of your roots.
Shaken by the thunder and storm of the near future,holding hands as one to conquer the one enemy that wipes our existence completely.

let's put our indifference aside
and trumble against our ego's and pride.
We are one.🫂🥺😩

© RaRe MrsSenor.