

Just Another Day!!!

Today just passed like any other day,
Nothing happened in an extraordinary way.🙂

The President didn't call for my learned advice,😏
The Pope didn't ask for my opinions concise.🙃

Superman didn't walk in depressed and crying,😩
For help in curing his inner fear of flying.🙁

Batman didn't come by with a tearful remark😏
About how to get over his fear of the dark.😓

I didn't cure any ills nor any life did I save,🤷‍♀️
Neither did I send anyone to their premature grave.🌚

Thinking how badly the day could have went,😳
I should be grateful, rather than sad or lament.🤗

So I'll be content on this simple plain day,😇
Without great exploits and nothing to say. 😌!!!!