

This poem was inspired by the song ‘Traust’ by a band called ‘Heilung’, if you can listen to it before, or whilst reading you will see / feel where my inspiration came from. Thank you.

Hair stands on end at the beat of the drum
We know what the night brings will not be much fun,
Horns cry out war, we’ve been here before,
Valhalla calling, We’re right at deaths door.

Rippling thunder, tempestuous tides,
There’s no buckling up, we’re here for the ride
Be in death or in glory, we all have a part,
We must reach our enemies and tear out their hearts 💕

Worn out and weary, from battles before,
No room for mercy, we’re at heavens door,
Death sprawls before us, waves of red blood
The race to the longboats, before the great floods

The sea rolls out before us, the long ride for home
Before we hear sounds, from horns made of bone,
Home to our loved ones, with treasures abound,
Feasting and drinking, before the next round.

David John
© Copywrite 2023