

That rose! 🌹
i came for you with a rose in my hand,
walked on the crescent pebbles and sand,,
i knew you like it with a twig ,
so i let the thorns hurt my limb,,
i wore that red dress which you liked on me,
Did my hair back tried to be "old me",,
i gathered up all the love and knocked upon your door,
i stood there with a smile, waited for an hour or more,,
now blood was trickling from my hand ,
but you never bothered to open up and take a stand,,
sun was now setting and petals started shedding,
and these waves of betrayel were incessantly heading,,
so i gathered up the petals and trickled blood,
wrong i was to think you're gonna save me from flood,,
there came just little waves and you were out of sight,
wrong i was to think you're gonna make me glow with light,,!! ❤