

On April Ten Four,

I found a mermaid washed up on the shore
She had gills like drainage grates, picket fences and wrought iron gates
She had turquoise scales like cobblestones, which I tailed to a blue-and-white home

Her hair was unbound, burgeoning to a daffodil crown
Reminiscent of Narcissus, whose love led him to drown

And, the barnacles that bludgeoned and beat their way through her ground
Looked like sliced cucumbers in a tzatziki dip,
Which took a trip, on her orchid-white body
Fried like an anchovy

For her natural gift of a siren song led her here, she weaved enchanted webs
Of funeral fire from the pyre that was her hair

How the tides have turned, right now she was the one who burned
Tossed about on a spit, like a lamb or a pig

A monster-woman, flaring effigy
Misunderstood, served on a bed of twigs

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