

Nature who taught me...

At the edge of the furthest mountain,
Between the valley and the lazy river,
Beyond the edge of the scented meadow,
I can see the hues painted by the setting sun...
I was alone with my myself
Questioning to the valley who was always standing with me...
To the river who always flowed with her laziness but never stopped herself because of obstacles...
I asked them ..
why they never stopped loving me..
why they are always with me when I needed..
why they always gave me so much peace ...
Then the river replied..
To let you know who you are..
To let you know that between your obstacles you may find difficulties but you can't end your life...
To let you know that you are just learning things with your obstacles and pain...
After that the valley replied...
To let you know there are many people with you who are not coming in front but they are praying for you and they are the one who care for you and loved you...
I felt that hard...
I replied ...
Thanks for the peace I always have with you..
Someday I m going to be with you forever..
I will always remember how the valley showed me that I have many peoples who love me..
I will always thanks the lazy river who is my inspiration..
and the setting sun that there is always a morning after a night...
© jini