

The Midnight Star
In the night sky, the moon gleams bright,
A silver orb, casting its gentle light.
Like a guiding star, it leads the way,
Illuminating the path, come what may.

The moon, a symbol of hope and dreams,
Reflecting our desires in its silver beams.
It whispers secrets, hidden in the night,
A celestial companion, shining so bright.

Just like the moon, we all have phases,
Sometimes full of light, sometimes in hazes.
But remember, even in darkness, you'll find,
The moon's glow, a reminder, you'll always shine.

So embrace your journey, like the moon above,
Unveiling your beauty, showing your love.
For just like the moon, you're meant to be,
A radiant presence, for all to see.
#Chandrayaan3 #MoonMission
© Soph