

Orange Juice
Rub my eyes till they're raw
Till I bleed my tears like an oranges juice
Squeeze it out of me, Every last drop
Let it drip down our jaws
Then remind me again how much you love me
Reduce me to my breathing, my pain is no longer my own
And for a while it can belong to you, the burden you carry
And willingly
You dont care though, you make it look easy
As you squeeze the orange dry, eating away the pulp that cries
Ripping away the peel
Use your nails to draw out the oils that lie just in the pores
Just keep, just keep
As you pick the seeds, I am for once hopeful that we could sprout new trees
So just keep, just keep
Suck me dry like I'm the sweet of an orange
Just keep laying on top of me

© ST.Mortenson