

Page infinite
Dear diary,
A story worth a tell
a stranger worth a try

Just like certain trust can't manifest itself
but a certain bond can
certain happiness can manifest itself
but a certain bond can

I cry
you Don't
I lie
you don't
even if you do,
You're the one I run to

A little clishè bond
some would die
I was lucky enough to tie
Bond turn unbreakable if try
Stranger turn most trustworthy if try

how fairy tail transform into reality like a piece of a pie
how things in the outer space without caring the gravity, fly

Friendship describe by many i received
Friend priscriped by many i received,

A story worth fell,
A stranger worth a lie

If try why lie
if not high why die
So darling,
Wellcome to the Page Infinite
—A heartful Friend

© The mysterious