

A Girl who didn't Exist
I wrote a letter today.

On the envelope laid a name,
So fuzzy and familiar
Confused and riddled with shame.
I delivered it through Her mailbox,
I wonder if it came?

I still remember Her face,
Glowing stars in Her eyes and Her favourite place.
The time She sat by, gazing to let the cosmos fly,
But now She's gone without a trace.

And when I mention Her full name
Nobody knows who I'm referring to?
The Girl I was stuck to like glue?
Gone without a trace,
But nobody knows Her face.

It's been Months and Days and Years, I can't find Her?
The searching gets deeper and blinder.
First Name, Last Name, Country, No Place?
Continent, Planet, Galaxy or Universe?
More and More? Harder and Harder I dissolve as search for Her,
For someone to remember and not let me dismember the idea?
Together. We'd Fall Apart and Drift Away, Together.

Her family have no clue
About the Girl I was always talking to.
And all of Our friends at school.
I think I broke an unwritten rule
As they don't Understand
A missing Body, An Angel's hands.
I pull down on.
And Her reveal, in a memory, is so Grand.

Lies an envelope in the wasteland,
Addressed to Her.
The Girl who Never, Past, Present, Future
Would ever exist
In This Universe...

© Sam Hunter