

Lonely Boy
In the twilight of his heart's embrace,
A boy stands alone, longing for solace.
For his girl, once filled with love's sweet fire,
Now grows distant, her affection does expire.

In the depths of his soul, an emptiness resides,
As he ponders the reasons, nowhere to hide.
He searches his memories, moments shared,
But finds only echoes, his heart left ensnared.

The days become colder, love slipping away,
Like a delicate rose, fading shades of gray.
His tears fall in silence, his hopes dulled and dim,
For a love once vibrant, now grows painfully grim.

No reasons are given, no answers revealed,
Leaving him lost, wounded and concealed.
He navigates the darkness, a shattered soul,
Seeking solace in memories that take their toll.

Loneliness wraps around him like a bitter shroud,
As he wanders through streets so quiet and loud.
Whispers of their love haunt his every stride,
Filling his heart with regret, nowhere to hide.

He tries to grasp the fragments, piece them together,
But the love that once flourished now fades like a feather.
He yearns for her touch, the warmth of her smile,
But the void grows deeper, a vast and endless trial.

© ugly_poet