

Who are you?
What are you?
Who do you work for?

From my childhood I saw you daily. You followed me every where I did not feel to be a child growing up because you were there.
I would watch other children run around, laugh and enjoy life.
I would be sitting bare feeted tattered clothes and not knowing what to say or do because of you Misery.
Why did you choose me?
Was I born marked misery?
My Mother tried but misery was very strong.
I adjusted, and said to myself I will change my life.
I became I depandant but misery was still following me.

I would do things then when close to full accomplishment there you come misery and take away everything..
Why are you following me?
Why do you want me to suffer?
What have I done?

When will you let me rest,
Now I remember how my Mother used to sit outside and think, and wonder,
This is me now
I have sleepless nights, thinking, wondering,
How do I conquer you Misery?
You are so powerful yet invisible,
You do not talk but your works are seen.
Will I ever break free from you?
Why am I paying the debt that I did not owe?
I gather and you destroy,
I write and you erase.
I try to run and you hinder me
One thing for sure Misery
I will make you pay for taking away my life, I will not let you run down my generation like you did to my parents and Me.

I have realised that you are nothing but a dark cloud,
Disturbing my life, my prosperity
Taking and taking for ever.
I will send you back Misery.

I was useless with no strength to fight back Not anymore Misery.
© fiction