

Not sure what's next?
it's a mystery with no clues, or better yet, it's a game of rush n roulette,
one bullet, one chance.
it's a different path with each decision, that path may have no outlet and leads you to a dead end.
it's a different consequence with each mistake.
it's a different lesson learned then the lesson thought.
knowledge not yet gained from the wisdom that once was said.
it's a different story when the story is told from a different mouth.
it's a different view with every look and clance from all our fans..
it's always a different out come when u plan it out. Disapointed when the plan strikes out..
it's better to just wing it and play it by ear..
it's true, there's always a different door that opens after the old one has closed..

it's always fixable when broke.. it's always what u make it.
so make it what u want and not just what u got.. make what u got what u want..
it's always gonna pour when it rains here comes the storm...
it's just another chapter.. write it as u go.. it is what it is. and it was what it wasn't..
at the end of the day no one is 💯 with you but yourself..
and this is just the story of my life...
© janyStyle