

Heartbreaks Symphony
In the depths of my soul, a sadness does reside,
A broken heart, a wounded spirit, I cannot hide.
Like a fragile vessel shattered upon the ground,
I'm lost in a labyrinth where sorrow is found.

Each day unfolds with shadows of despair,
Tears cascade down my cheeks, burdening the air.
A once vibrant heart now echoes an empty sound,
A symphony of anguish that knows no bounds.

Oh, how love's flame burned with a radiant glow,
But now it flickers, dimming ever so slow.
Like a withered flower, deprived of its sweet bloom,
I'm left alone in a desolate, loveless room.

The memories we shared, like whispers in the wind,
Haunt the corridors of my mind, where pain rescinds.
A kaleidoscope of moments, now stained with regret,
Each cherished fragment a reminder of what we once met.

The ache in my chest resonates through the night,
As loneliness wraps around me, squeezing me tight.
I search for solace in the depths of my dreams,
But wake to the reality, where nothing redeems.

Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope remains,
A tiny ember that whispers of healing, though in strains.
For time, they say, is a mender of shattered hearts,
Slowly stitching together the fragmented parts.

So I'll gather the remnants, piece by fragile piece,
And let resilience within my spirit find release.
For deep sadness may linger, but it cannot define,
The strength that emerges when broken hearts align.

In the depths of my soul, a flicker of light will grow,
Guiding me forward, teaching me how to let go.
For even in sadness, there lies a lesson to find,
A journey of self-discovery, to heal and realign.

© Quiet Winter