

A victim of my own
As much as I want to say
I am but a victim of someone
else's words, but I would be a fool
to not acknowledge that I am
in the wrong too

To be swayed and mudled by words
to be drowned and sink continuously
knowing how to swim
but chose to forget how
I am but an ignorant hypocrite

I let every word get away
with tying my feet to the ground
to shout an answer to bring me
freedom, but tied me further
pointing at me like a knife

I swallowed my pride
and acknowledged my shortsightedness
I did not listen and now
I am barking like a fool to my enemies
I am embarrassed

I am a shameless fool
who does not know any better
so I am in no position
to forgive and be forgiven
so I'll stay silent for my sake.

© miryelleY.