

addition by subtraction
If you add two halves together,
mathematically it’s supposed to make one,
but that never did make us whole did it?

You see, I never was very good at math,
but all I know is that me minus you
left me with a broken heart,
and then we were right back
where we started—with two halves,
except this time they both were mine.

I always hated math.
How we were always trying
to solve our problems,
and then suddenly we were
just exes and “why’s”.
How no amount of equating
could ever seem to make you love me back.
How the order of operations
never fucking solved anything—

and at first I thought
that it was just because I really, truly,
always just sucked at math.
But I think I finally solved it:
it was simply addition by subtraction,
because the square root of me never was you.
© helz