

Whispers of Depleted Riches
In the solitary depths, my soul does dwell,
A poet's elegy, a melancholy spell,
Forlorn, I lament, for fortunes cast aside,
The lack of funds that leave my dreams untied.

Oh, dearth of wealth, a bitter, somber tune,
Depriving my desires like a thief in the moon,
With empty pockets and pockets of despair,
I yearn for prosperity, as dreams lie bare.

In this world's theater, I remain estranged,
Bound by the chains, where coins are exchanged,
A sorrowful ballad of unmet needs,
As scarcity's grip tightens, my spirit bleeds.

I dream of abundance, like a summer rain,
To quench the thirst of this barren terrain,
But fate, it seems, holds a different course,
An endless struggle with diminishing force.

Yet in the depths of this financial plight,
A flicker of hope, faint but infinite,
For silver linings hide amidst the gloom,
And resilience blooms in scarcity's room.

So let this elegy resonate, my friend,
A shared lament, in which souls can mend,
May our sorrows unleash a call to arms,
To conquer adversity with resilient charms.

For in the darkest nights, stars still glimmer,
And within lack, potential may shimmer,
With every verse, every tear that is shed,
May our spirits rise, in unity we tread.

© Seinitonkumo Gibson