

My Demons are Taking Flight
When the sun is gone and day is done,
the fun has only just begun.
With the day retreats the light,
and soon the demons all take flight.
Past my window they beat their wings,
and oh what sorrowful songs they sing.
The sweet melodies fill my mind,
and soon their stories begin to unwind.
Tales unfold of the broken heart,
but before it sets in the dancing starts.
Round and round they circle the moon,
and soon they begin to enter my room.
In and out they fly at will,
with a great an unmatched skill.
And all through the night I lay and listen,
all the while the moonlight glistens.
But all good things must come to and end,
and soon the light begins to bend.
Beautful dark gives wa to light,
and so ends this glorious night.
I stare and sigh at the rising sun,
as it banishes my fun.
And then a single bat flies by,
a singular demon in the sky.
He hums is tune louds and clear,
as if to tell me do not fear.
For when the sun is gone and day is done,
the fun will have only just begun.