

A kowtow to nature
Awake invincible mankind..
cursed have we been ..cursed indeed!!
Blessed were we then..
To love and to breathe..
Now! A mask and distance
measures it all...

So wounded was she...
All her powers weakened..
Begged to be rescued
To heal..to feel..

Slaved to rapacity
Humans had never been humane
They took her down..
Her blood...her beat...
Her breath..

Couldn't bear it more
It was time she healed herself
To battle the mankind
The selfish, treacherous,covetous kind..

She indeed took the call
Finally she started breathing ..
To hear her beat ..to feel herself...
While we struggled...

Not a truce but a promise
Let's kowtow to nature
For cursed have we been
For nothing but our deeds...
© prana
#nature #writcoapp #savearth