

They was a boy I met one day,
He was lovely, he was sweet,
He was six years older than me.
We used to play,
We used to laugh,
We used to cry like two best friends.
But as the story goes,
Love comes knocking,
spoiling everything to nothing.
Funny, I was just six,
I know it's wired and confusing.
But what could I do,
when all I knew of love,
Was the Little Mermaid and Cinderella.
I know it was wired,
he was too old for me,
But now am seven years older,
And am wondering if there is still anyone like him.
Don't get me wrong here,
I know you're thinking spoilt,
But it's not your fault,
The School system made it so.
He was a great friend,
an amazing best friend,
Sadly when I fell in love with him,
he never retaliated,
Not because he didn't love me,
But because my confession was a little too late, on his death bed.
I wanted him to be my best friend for life,
I wanted him to always hug me and say,
Congratulations on your school results,
you did excellently.
It's a shame he left so soon,
He was the only family I had,
the only person I could go too, For our mother died so soon,
And father threw us like we were useless.
There was a boy I met one day,
He was lovely and sweet,
With an alluring smile.
Of course!, he was my brother,
my brother by blood,
I lost my only true family,
And I blame that to love,
Because if not for love,
I would have been the one to die,
not him.
If not for love,
he would have never taken that hit for me,
If not for love,
I would not be here, years seven years later,
wondering.... if there is any anyone like him.