

A Mirror
You never laugh
When I cry
Never go away
When I'm close
You are the mirror
It's forever

New place, many new faces
Dreams in eyes, smile on face
Trying to adjust
But it's too hard
Missing my childhood
When everything was easy
Telling myself
Making friends is difficult
In that movement
Heard a voice
Calling my name
Asking me "Are you new here?"
You are the mirror
It's forever

Time passes
New faces are familiar
But some are constant
Just like sun
Hours long chatting, never gets bored
Without you life sucks
Happiness gets doubled
Sorrow gets half
But deep inside
I'm afraid of loosing you
You are the mirror
It's forever

Nothing last forever
And it's true
The mirror is broken
Shattered into pieces
It's difficult to arrange
Everytime I touch, I get hurt
Crying alone
Thinking for reason
Nothing remain the same
Everything feels fake
Thinking how fool I was
Believing your lies
The mirror is broken
It's over

Then I heard
Another voice, calling my name
The feeling is same
The person is different
With time
Everything healed
Friends became hater
Haters became friend
Life goes in this trend
Forever change to present
Since no one know the future
Thinking that
Enjoying every moment
Smiling more
Stressing less
You are the mirror
It's a present
© sha_writes