

Midnight Reverie
Do your late night thoughts ever lead you back to me?
When the world is quiet and stars fill the sky
Do thoughts of our love make your heart beat free?
Or does time erase the memories, letting them die?

I find myself thinking of you often
Even though it's been years since we last spoke
The memories of us are never forgotten
Moving on was hard, it was no joke

We were young then, naive and full of love
Believing that our love would conquer all
But life proved to be harder than we thought of
And love, it seemed, couldn't break down every wall

I remember the sound of your laughter
The way your eyes would light up with glee
And how your touch would put me in a rapture
Your love was everything I ever wanted to see

But distance slowly crept in and took its hold
Words became few and far between
What we had warm and brimming began to get cold
Our love was no longer the greatest scene

Slowly but surely our love began to fade
And we both had to let it go
We went our separate ways, both betrayed
Knowing deep down, we'd never truly know

But do your late-night thoughts ever lead you back to me?
Do you ever think of the love we once had?
Do you ever wonder if we could ever be
Or is what we had now just a memory, plain and sad?

In the still of the night, my heart beats your name
My thoughts are filled with the memories of long ago
Even though we've both moved on, it's never the same
For the love we had, oh how it used to glow

So, my dear, I'll leave it to fate
To determine if we'll ever meet again
For the love we shared was never meant to dissipate
And to be honest, my heart still feels the strain

But till then, I'll keep your memories close
And in the still of the night, as the stars shine bright
I'll let my mind wander and reminisce on what we chose
And though it's not perfect, it gives me some respite

For do your late-night thoughts ever lead you back to me?
As you lay in bed, with the world at peace
Do you ever think of what we could be
Or is what we had now just a memory that'll never cease?
© Jevanjee