

In fields of sunlit amber, she roams,
A sprite in the meadow, wild and free.
Her laughter, a melody in the breeze,
Echoes through the whispering trees.

Eyes like sapphires, deep and clear,
Hold secrets of galaxies, far and near.
Her smile, a crescent moon's gentle glow,
Lights up the darkest corners below.

With each step, flowers bloom in her wake,
A symphony of colors, dancing in her wake.
Her touch, soft as the morning dew,
Awakens the world, every morning anew.

In her heart, a universe untold,
Where dreams and fantasies unfold.
She is nature's masterpiece, divine and rare,
A poem written in the language of air.

In her, beauty and grace intertwine,
A portrait painted by the hands of time.
A girl, a poem, a wonder to behold,
In her, the mysteries of life unfold.
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