

The Poison Dream
The flickering of ten thousand fairy lights

a twinkling sky of jewels, a night of nights

You strode before me, eyes of innocence and lust

your broad-chest built muscles heaving

my heart a fluttering butterfly

You had the appearance of an angel. You robed yourself in white purity, in courage, in passion. You painted rose glass before my eyes.

You took me to a land of dreams with pink, sweet candy floss promises that floated like fluffy clouds before my eyes

Though far away you branched yourself around me, you held me close yet distant

Dark red roses you weaved around my bare skin, the stems gripping my heart. Petals of passion. Leaves of lust and desire. You made me your possession.

My temper fire you resisted and I thought only true love could withstand the explosions of fire and pain I emitted.

Suddenly. all in a glimpse. a wave, a second, my eyes flashed open. Sweet pools of honey rapidly turning to gall, decaying love.

You fed me toxic wastes, sugar-coated. poison pear drops.

And I realise that only hell could withhold the explosions of fire and pain i emitted, they meant nothing to you. She meant nothing to you. I meant nothing to you.