

Unbeatable Torture
Here I sit in the pouring rain. While the drops hides my tears and the pain.

The love that's in my heart, Is ripping my soul apart.

I scream out for help........Only emptiness around with no beginning & no end!

Once again I'm alone and trapped from within.

I pretend to be happy, so everyone thinks its not a big deal.

I smile a fake smile just to make everyone else smile for real.

My heart is broken, and that's how it will remain. Untill all the pieces can be found, before I go insane.

Time doesn't heal everything, it has destroyed me. Just wait you'll see.

True love is and will be everlasting, to lose that love demolished my heart as it was a kids toy. I've tried to stay strong with thoughts of u and the boys.

Will I ever stop this yearning for my family back together. Or should I give up on happiness forever.

You will always hold the lock to my happiness. You just have to let me unlock it for any of this to make sense.

I'm falling apart from the inside out. My family are the one I can't live without.

I'm fading away slowly but surely. As I dwindle down to nothing, with no heart or no soul..... And still I live my life accordingly ...
© Dusty Troutman