

No More Tears
Yesterday, was hard to deal
Just for today, I will not let
Refuse to get
Stand up for myself still
Noise loud, headache uncalled for
People can be cruel
I am standing up
For myself
All the more. I will not let anyone
Knock me down anymore

It's my time, everyday
God paved the road
I took
Rough, but he was my guide
Ninety-nine percent of the way
Too many tears, past did have fears
Future is mine
Nobody is going to take it away One day, soon
I hope to find the missing piece
Of the puzzle that has been given
To me
Until then please..
May my path have wisdom, laughter, love
Exotic places to travel
Good health, in the future
That is what my desires are
" Amazing"
© Cynthia Inouye-Sakacs