

The Start

The start still clear in
my mind I still remember
The first time I didn't make it
Oh my heart it's still hurting

My friends were just great
And I, just wanted to try
Each had one essai
But Till now I still regret

What made me so upset?
My friends making trough,
My novice failure? or the fact
I wasn't among the few...

At the moment I knew
This was my calling,
even though it was still New
I had to keep on trying
do I won't judge myself when I quit
coz I've tried at least

Starting with no plan
No fan, nothing to hang on
only by writing I could talk
to the world, and the ones I love
and finally I could be dramatic
for long this was just private
this was my escape zone

I'm done hiding and
not rising my voice for the world
fells like I have a role to play
and I am not afraid.

my story has never been easy but reading it sounds more funny 😂😂

© sombre