

Letters misbehave
Your notes,
Are the only things I have,
The words are like melodies that float(s),
But the letters sometimes misbehave. Your notes, my love, are all I hold,
In them, your voice and heart unfold.
Each word a melody that sings,
With every stanza, my heart takes wings.

But sometimes, the letters act on their own,
They dance and swirl, making chaos known.
Yet even then, their beauty remains,
A testament to the joy love contains.

For in these notes, I feel your touch,
The gentleness that I've missed so much.
And as each word begins to float,
My heart is filled with hope and hope.

So yes, let the letters misbehave,
For in their way, they still behave.
For in each line, I find a home,
And in your words, I'll never be alone.
© Dougiey