


A cloud of dark emotions built up underneath my skin
Escaping through my pores was all the pain within
No holding back the memories
No pushing down the fears
No putting on the armor
No choking back the tears
I want to own my pain
I want to set her free
She is who I am truly am
I want the world to see
No More,
Fake laugh,
fake love,
fake passion,
fake smile,
No More
Free love
Free time
Free access
No longer in denial
From the chasm of my deepest fears
A deafening sound so strong, so clear
Echoes of cries, of loss, of tears
No longer deaf,
I can hear,
I can hear
There is beauty in sadness
Redemption in tears
They wash away dirt
They flush out your fears
Life for the dry crops
Come from the raindrops
The pain still remains
Its just hidden in the teardrops
Tired of saying the same things,
Fighting the same battles
Day in and day out
No fight left in me
im defeated
no doubt
© Dalisay