

A Glimpse of her Grace

A Glimpse of her Grace
Lost in a moment, egare to meet her,
The day held a glimpse of her grace.
Love sparkled in her eyes so pure,
At first sight, a memory to embrace.

Through whispers of time, our story weaved,
Fate's dance, an intricate tapestry.
In the canvas of days, love was conceived,
A tale unfolding, a symphony.

Sunsets painted hues of our shared delight,
Hand in hand, under the twilight sky.
In her laughter, stars found their light,
Moments stitched together, time passing by.

Through seasons of joy and storms we weathered,
A love story etched, a journey shared.
In her presence, dreams and reality tethered,
Two souls entwined, forever paired.

Eternal echoes of that first enchanting day,
A love story penned in the heart's array.
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